Persistent homology
An introduction via interactive examples

In the previous section, we have introduced the concept of filtration and persistent homology. Here, we will describe the basic algorithm for computing persistent homology on a filtration. A matrix representation is used for representing the boundary relations among all the simplices of the filtered simplicial complex. The algorithm operates on such matrix for extracting all the persistence pairs that will be visualized through a graphical representation.

From a filtration to its boundary matrix

Let \(\Sigma^f\) be a filtration. In order to compute its persistent homology, we associate a matrix \(M\) to \(\Sigma^f\). \(M\) is called boundary matrix, which encodes the boundary relationships between the simplices of \(\Sigma\).

Figure 2 - Original function defined on the simplicial complex \(\Sigma\).
First of all, let us consider a total ordering of the simplices of \(\Sigma\), i.e., a sequence \(\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \dots, \sigma_n\) of the simplices of \(\Sigma\) such that: The existence of such an ordering is ensured by the properties of \(f\). Choosing a total ordering of the simplices of \(\Sigma\) naturally induces on \(\Sigma\) a filtering function \(f': \Sigma \rightarrow \{1, \dots n\}\) representing a "refinement" of the filtering function \(f\).

Imposing a total order on the simplices of \(\Sigma\) is a fundamental step for constructing the boundary matrix and for applying the reduction algorithm. From now on, we will call original filtering function the function \(f\) and injective filtering function the function \(f'\). When building the injective filtering function, we are creating a 1-to-1 correspondence between each simplex of \(\Sigma\) and the levels of the filtrations itself. Let us consider the filtration \(\Sigma^f\) depicted in Figure 2. A total ordering of its simplices can be defined as follows. Let \(\sigma\), \(\sigma'\) be two simplices of \(\Sigma\). We declair \(\sigma< \sigma'\) if and only if

With respect to the example in Figure 2, a possible choice is: $$v_0< v_1 < v_2 \\ < v_3 < v_4 < v_5 < v_6 < v_0 v_3 < v_1 v_5 < v_2 v_6 < v_3 v_4 < v_5 v_6 \\ < v_7 < v_8 < v_9 < v_{10} < v_3 v_7 < v_3 v_8 < v_4 v_8 < v_5 v_9 < v_6 v_{10} < v_7 v_8 < v_3 v_7 v_8$$ Notice that:

Use the following slider to play with the filtration. The image on the left will vary accordingly to the original filtering function \(f\) while the image on the right will be modified accordingly to the injective filtering function \)f'\). Notice that there are always moments where the two filtrations represent the same simplicial complex.

Given a total ordering of the simplices of \(\Sigma\), we can set up the corresponding boundary matrix \(M\). \(M\) is a square matrix of size \(n \times n\), while its \((i, j)\) entries are defined to be $$M_{i,j}:=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } \sigma_i \text{ is a face of } \sigma_j \text{ such that } dim(\sigma_i)=dim(\sigma_j)-1 \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases}$$

In the following, we display the boundary matrix \(M\) associated with the filtration \(\Sigma^f\) depicted in Figure 2 with respect to the total ordering defined in the previous example. Empty entries correspond to null values.

Given a column index \(j\) of the boundary matrix \(M\), we define \(low(j)\) as the row index of the lowest \(1\) in a non-null column \(j\). More formally, for each \(j\) in \(\{1, \dots, n\}\) such that column \(j\) is not null, $$low(j):=max\{i \,|\, M_{i,j}\neq 0\}$$

Example. In the following, the values assumed by \(low\) for each non-null column of the boundary matrix \(M\) considered in the previous example:


The persistent homology of a filtration \(\Sigma^f\) is computed by reducing the boundary matrix \(M\).
A matrix \(R\) is reduced if, for each pair of nun-null columns \(j_1\), \(j_2\), \(low(j_1)\neq low(j_2)\). Equivalently, \(R\) is reduced if the associated \(low\) function is injective on its domain of definition.

Standard algorithm

Algorithm reduceMatrix describes the procedure for transforming the boundary matrix \(M\) associated to a filetered simplicial complex \(\Sigma^f\) into a reduced matrix \(R\)

       function reduceMatrix(Matrix M)
         Matrix R= M;
         for(int i = 0; i < R.numColumn(); i++)
           int j = sameLow(R,i);
           while(j != NULL){
             R.column(i) = (R.column(i) + R.column(j))%2;
             j = sameLow(R);

         return R;
       function sameLow(Matrix R, int i)
         for(int j = i; j >= 0; j--)
           if(R.low(i) == R.low(j))
              return j;
         return NULL;

Given a boundary matrix \(M\), reduceMatrix considers, from left to right, the columns of \(M\). If two columns \(j\) and \(j'\), with \(j'< j\), have the same value of \(low\), column \(j'\) is added to column \(j\) and \(low(j)\). When no more columns on the left of \(j\) have \(low\) value equal to \(low(j)\), we process the next column. Once all the columns of \(M\) have been considered, the resulting matrix \(R\) is reduced.

Let us apply Algorithm reduceMatrix to the boundary matrix \(M\) of the filtration \(\Sigma^f\) considered in the previous examples.
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Extracting persistence pairs from a reduced matrix

The reduced matrix provides all the information required for extracting the persistence pairs of \(\Sigma^f\). We recall that each persistence pair is a pair of simplices representing two homology changes in the sublevel sets of function \(f\), in particular a newborn cycle and the death of the same cycle. Persistence pairs are extracted using the algorithm extractPairs.

  function extractPairs(Matrix R)
    bool paired[R.numColumn()]; //array of Booleans, set to false
    pair persPairs[]; //collection of pairs

    for(int j = R.numColumn(); j >= 0; j--)
        //the persistence pair has already been processed
      else if(low(j)!=0){
        //we have found a new persistence pair
        //we have found a cycle that is still alive
    return pairs;
The obtained persistence pairs are of two kinds: Given a pair \((i, j)\), it is possibile to associated with it a simplex pair \((\sigma_i, \sigma_j)\). Its first simplex is said to be positive while the second one is called negative. Recalling what described in the previous section, positive simplices are those responsible for the creation of an homology class during the filtration process. In a dual fashion, negative simplices are those responsible for the destruction of a non-boundary cycle. In particular, given a pair \((\sigma_i,\sigma_j)\), \(\sigma_j\) destroys the cycle created by \(\sigma_i\). Differently, a persistence pair \((i ,\infty)\) corresponds to the simplex pair \((\sigma_i,\infty)\). Such a pair represents a homology class that borns at the instant \(i\) thanks to the introduction of the positive simplex \(\sigma_i\) and persists along all the filtration.

In the following example, we can study the information provided by each persistence pair projected directly on the original simplicial complex. The graph on the left can be seen as a persistence diagram in which the persistence pairs of all the homology degrees are simultaneously depicted. Each blue point on the graph represents a persistence pair. Selecting a point of indices \((i, j)\) on the scatterplot graph, you can see, in the figure on the right, the simplicial complex at level \(j\) (i.e., the level in the filtration at which the pair \((\sigma_i,\sigma_j)\) is created) The two simplices involved in the pair are indicated with a green sphere for the simplex that created the homology class, and a red sphere, for the one responsible for its destruction. In the figure on the right, we are also showing the homology classes that never die, depicted as three cubes. The two blue cubes represent the two connected components that survive at the end of the filtration while the green cube corrisponds to the 1-cycle.

From a persistence diagram or from the graph shown above, it is not evident how to recognize the important information. Moreover, the persistence pairs in the graph are numerous even for such a small example. As it is, it would be hard to imagine this tool applied for the analysis of real data. At the beginning of this section, we already discussed the differences between the original filtering function \(f\) and the injective filtering function \(f'\). Such differences come into place also here, when analyzing results. The graph just shown describes the persistence pairs originated by the injective filtering function \(f'\). However, we wanted to study function \(f\) and this can be done by slightly modifying algorithm extractPairs as follows.

function extractPairs(Matrix R, float* function)
  bool paired[R.numColumn()]; //array of Booleans
  pair persPairs[]; //collection of pairs

  for(int j = R.numColumn(); j >= 0; j--)
      //the persistence pair has already been processed
    else if(low(j)!=0){
      //we have found a new persistence pair
      //we have found a cycle that is still alive
  return pairs;
Similarly to the previous case, each returned persistence pair \((p,q)\) corresponds to a simplex pair \((\sigma_i, \sigma_j)\) consisting of a positive and a negative simplex such that \((f(\sigma_i), f(\sigma_j))=(p, q)\). Its first simplex is said to be positive while the second one is called negative. Analogously, a persistence pair \((p ,\infty)\) corresponds to the simplex pair \((\sigma_i,\infty)\) such that \(f(\sigma_i)=p\) and represents an essential homology class that borns at the instant \(f(\sigma_i)\) while the positive simplex \(\sigma_i\) is introduced.

In the following example, we give a visual representation of the persistent homology of \(\Sigma^f\). On the left, a scatterplot graph representing the persistence pairs of \(\Sigma^f\) is depicted while, one the right, the information of the graph is projected on the simplicial complex \(\Sigma\).
Next Section